General American sentiment is on our side, but the moral arguments of cowardice and short-range self-interest are being directed by Hoover, Wheeler, Lindbergh & Co 3 to the mothers and possible draftees! The slogan “help Britain” is most imperfect—should be “help ourselves”. That has been my own theme—“This is your struggle as well as ours, and you must organise your material resources accordingly”.
Public opinion has gone as far as it can without a lead by the President, whose delay becomes disturbing. Public opinion is creative only up to a point. After that it must be created by decision and action. Roosevelt could decide tomorrow to convoy, and the people would back him. He could probably decide not to, and the people would back him.
Roosevelt agreed that we all ought to tell Japan where she gets off, but stops short of actually instructing the USA Ambassador to do so. I am left in no doubt (without words) that America will not stand by & see Australia attacked. I plead for reality about N.E.I. and Singapore.
Don’t think Pacific will be denuded of USA naval forces. R. is a little jealous of Winston’s place in the centre of the picture. I tell him they should have a meeting. R. is not an organiser—very like Winston—and co-ordination of effort is not conspicuous.
Roosevelt agreed that we all ought to tell Japan where she gets off, but stops short of actually instructing the USA Ambassador to do so.